Friday, March 18, 2011

One Year

One year ago today.
I got the most horrifying phone call,
I lost my best friend,
I lost my role model,
I lost my backbone,
I lost my grandmother/mother bond,
I lost my every day phone call,
I lost my eating buddy,
I lost my late night Wal*Mart runs for milk and oatmeal with peaches & cream,
I lost my gossip friend who knew stuff before I did,
I lost my “hey, I got this for you just because I wanted to”,
Most days I feel like I’ve lost it all,
I have my other family members but it just isn’t the same,
I lost my random drop-ins at the office,
I lost my cheerleader,
I lost my “Just Do It” attitude,
I have gained new friendships but,
I lost my Bunny.

I'll make it through,
Slowly but Surely,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yard Sale Time!

Need I say more?? Lots of good stuff! A lot with the tags still on it!!
Friday April 1st 7am - ?
Saturday April 2nd 7am - noon

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Spring Cleaning"

Well, I did the one thing that almost every woman, well most women hate to do... Clean out closets! I didn't do this because I couldn't fit one more thing on a hanger into either of my walk-in closets but because I can't fit into the majority of them! UGH.

Do you ever get where there is something just bugging the crap out of you and nothing else will get completed until that one thing is done?? My over stuffed closets have been that one problem for me for weeks.

You couldn't see a piece of carpet in the living room there were so many clothes everywhere!
Now I guess is the time to have a massive yard sale. Yep, so who wants to help me?

I finally got brave and ordered some stuff from the Container Store, yay! I'm pumped. I can't wait to be FULLY organized! 

Slowly but surely,

Friday, March 11, 2011

Starting fresh

Well, I haven't seem to be on the ball with much of anything these days. But I took a few minutes to redo my blog and hope to start keeping it up. Probably not daily but close :) ...

I am still trying to decide what to do with my life. Why does that decision have to be so hard?

Slowly but surely,
Holly J.